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Simple Tools for Healthy Weight Loss

When you’re dealing with obesity, losing even a few pounds can seem like an insurmountable task. You may be considering a personal trainer or other specialist. But options like that cost a lot of money.

If you’d like a few tools to help you lose weight, and to save some money at the same time, a little organization on paper can go a long way.

Set up the following documents in a way that works best for you, using either a computer or paper and pen, and keep the sheets together in a folder (electronic or physical) you can open and record in daily.

Divide a sheet in half. On one half, list foods that you should cut back on or stop eating altogether.

Depending on your situation and goals, include things like:

  • Meats – especially pig and cow derived

  • Full fat dairy

  • Canned food

  • Candy

  • Baked goods

  • Processed foods

  • Butter

  • Fast food

  • Fried food

  • Condiments

  • Refined (white) grains

  • Soda and sugary drinks

  • Salt

On the other half, list foods that are healthy and nutritious, such as:

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Beans

  • Low fat, low sugar yogurt

  • Olive oil

  • Water

  • Whole (brown) grains

  • Seafood

  • Honey

  • Natural juices and tea

  • Fresh fruits and veggies

  • Herbs and spices

  • Avocados

Next to each food item, keep track of how often you eat that food in one week. If you can decrease the tallies on the “bad” food side, and increase the tallies on the “good” food side, you will be on the way to cutting calories and improving your health.

Exercise Calendar

Using a ready-made calendar or one you make yourself, keep track of how often you exercise, and what kind of activity you’re doing. If you make a calendar yourself, you can design a grid to track specific exercises on each day of the week.

For example, if you plan to do a cardio routine like walking, jogging, or a stationary bike, make one column for that cardio activity, with an intersecting row for each day of the week.

On each day, write down what you did and for how long. You can extend the grid to include other types of exercise, like weight lifting, yoga or sit-ups.

List of Goals

Make a list of the goals you hope to accomplish with your weight loss and health. Go beyond how many pounds or inches you want to lose. If you want to bring down blood pressure, cholesterol or sugar levels, include those as well. Weight loss will accompany those goals.

Also include goals you have about diet and exercise. If you want to decrease your daily calorie intake, record that. If you want to be exercising three hours a week, record that too.

Make sure that your goals are realistic, and don’t make you feel overwhelmed. You can always raise the bar once you’ve made initial progress.

Grocery Shopping Tips

Write out some grocery shopping guidelines to carry in your purse or wallet. Pull it out when you go to the grocery store to help you remember your goals.

The guidelines can include your food chart from above, your goals and other tips that you’ve picked up along the way.

A few things to include are reminders like:

  • Shop the perimeter for fresh food

  • Avoid the candy and baking aisles

  • Buy healthy, versatile items like herbs, spices, olive oil, and raisins

  • Explore new territory for healthy change

To lose a large amount of weight, you need to take steps each day and think about every food choice you make. These tools can help you to take responsibility and control of your weight, rather than simply depending on other people and programs to show you how.


Besides these, In Ayurveda Planet Ayurveda suggests some simple and most effective Herbal remedies "Thinner You Pack" to help you lose weight, the healthy way. As per Ayurveda, Overweight increases the chance of Kapha Dosha. To make ourselves healthy We need to balance Kapha. Planet Ayurveda is offering Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Obesity (Weight loss) by Dr Vikram Chauhan - Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Mohali

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